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Friday, March 12, 2010

Detroit School Board President Can't Write

Saw this over at The Root and had to share it with the Board of Directors.

You see this guy? His name is Otis Mathis. He is the Detroit Public School Board President and he acknowledges he has problems composing a coherent English sentence. After reading some of his emails that were posted,that is an understatement.This is the man in charge of the nation's lowest achieving school district?
"I'm a horrible writer. I know that," says Mathis, 56, a lifelong resident of southwest Detroit. His difficulties with language were spotted as early as fourth grade, when he was placed in special education classes. His college degree was held up for more than a decade because he repeatedly failed an English proficiency exam then required for graduation at Wayne State University. Yet,he was elected president of the school board by a vote of 10-1 over someone who was FAR more qualified. But because he wasn't part of the "in crowd" he didn't get the job.
I don't have a problem with people who were in special education classes. Just because someone is or was in a special education class doesn't mean they lack the abilty to learn. However,I won't allow my children to attend a school system where the top official can't compose a sentence better than many of it's students. And we wonder why there's so much dysfunction in the public school systems? Here's PART of your answer. We HAVE to do better.

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