Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pardon The Interruption

I'm sorry Board Members,I hate to interrupt your meeting. But I have a very important announcement.
THESE people are the offspring

Of THESE people

This is what happens when you pass hatred and fear from one generation to the next. Maybe you should advise the next generation like I advise my son.

Not every person with the same skin color is your friend.
Not every person with different skin color is your enemy.
Judge people for who they ARE. Not for their race,name,religion,sexual orientation etc etc.
If you follow that philosphy,maybe one day racism will end.


Ok Board Members, CARRY ON!!


  1. That was a good comparison. I like that:-)

  2. It amazes me to see this nonsense still going on in this day and age...SMH!!
    C'mon people, get it together!
