"Will Blacks Accept Gay Marriage?"
This was the question posted on one of my favorite websites,The Root. I didn't bother reading the article because frankly,I'm tired of people comparing Gay Rights to Civil Rights. I'm tired of hearing "black leaders" say they can't support a ban on gay marriage because they're against ANY form of discrimination.
Well, good for them and good for anyone else who supports gay marriage.But as for me,the answer to the above question is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO,I won't support a man marrying another man or a woman marrying another woman. I recognize ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN as the only two people able to enter into a marriage. I'm not going to hammer anyone in the head with scriptures or anything like that(although I don't mind doing so)but I believe that's the way God ordained it and that's the way it should be. In my opinion,if it were meant for two men to marry or two women to marry,they would be able to reproduce life. That may sound a tad bit silly but it really isn't when you think about it.
There is absolutely NOTHING anyone can say or do to make me accept Gay Marriage.....Point Blank.....PERIOD.
I'm sure I have offended some friends and followers of this blog,but you should know by now that being "politically correct" really isn't my thing.
What are your thoughts?
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ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are that your argument of one man not being able to marry another because they cannot produce life is shallow. I say so because not all married heterosexual couples can, or are willing, to produce life either, so does that mean that they shouldn't be married?
ReplyDeleteSecondly, how dare you presume to know what it is that God does or does not intend? God works in mysterious ways, and no human can be so egotistical as to presume that God meant for things to be one way and not another. After all, God created gay people too, so obviously they somehow fit into his grand scheme of things, a plan that your limited human ego cannot even begin to comprehend.
Thirdly, you can hurl around whatever scriptures you please, but the fact of the matter is that the Bible was written by men who were as flawed as any other and were just as ignorant of God's nature and intentions as any of us. I know that the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, but it also says that people who wear certain kinds of cloth on certain days should be killed, and that slavery is right. Let’s not forget, that back in the day whites used these same scriptures to keep people who looked like you enslaved, so do you agree that African Americans should once again be enslaved because someone else believes that the scriptures endorse it? It seems so ironic to me that a people who were once enslaved partly through Christianity and these scriptures would in turn use these same beliefs to condemn and limit another group of people's freedoms.