Right after the election of Barack Obama, there was an interesting article in
The Atlantic magazine titled,"The End Of White America?". It gives an interesting perspective on what a President Barack Obama America would do to "mainstream America" and the erosion of white culture in general. When I first read it,it seemed far-fetched to think some people actually believe his presidency would threaten their way of life. But with the rise of the tea party and the growing hate rhetoric from the radical right,it's obvious this article was a sneak peek of things to come. I will go to my grave convinced most white people who dislike this President,dislike him simply because of his skin color and NOT his policies. Sure,they disguise it as Obamacare,socialism,government takeovers and all kind of other bogus stuff. And to the surprise of absolutely nobody(maybe with the exception of Michael Steele and Ron Christie) this mosque controversy has started the "Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim" thing again. I have always said that those same white people would have NO problem with a Barack Hussein Obama being the superstar on their favorite sports team. But since he chose to be an academic superstar and aspire to be the POTUS,then there's something wrong with him,he's not "one of us".And if I hear one more person scream about taking THEIR country back,I'm gonna chop somebody in the throat. What exactly does that mean anyway? I guess I need to read this article again to find out. I encourage you to do the same.
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