Dr.William P.Foster,founder of FAMUs "Marching 100s",passed away this weekend at the age of 91. Some of you may not fully understand or appreciate the influence Dr.Foster had on HBCUs but his impact can't be measured in numbers.Even before I set foot on the practice field as a "crab"(Freshman)at Alabama State,I was familiar with Dr.Foster,the "Slow One","Bringing It On" and "Bringing It Off" as shown in the video clips below.
Here's a brief bio of Dr.Foster,
*Courtesy of the Marching 100 Alumni Band Association,Inc.*
-Dr. William P. Foster: Over 50 years ago, a young man entered the campus of Florida A&M, determined to make himself and the band program the best in the nation.
Armed with less than 30 musicians, Dr. Foster had his sights set on putting 100 marching young men on the gridiron, so he nicknamed the band the "Marching 100."
After growing to a little over 100 in 1950, the band started expanding its performance repertoire, adding a fast march (known as "fast one," to be later renamed the "Rattler"), the death march (known as "Slow One"), and a dance routine to the tune of Alexander's Rag Time Band.
Fast-forward to the 60's, where he took the "100" to the Superbowl, and the airwaves, being featured on PBS, and later being televised on all of the major networks in the United States!
He built what is known as the best marching band in the land, validated by the selection of the John Phillip Sousa Foundation as the 4th recipient of the Sudler Award in 1985, one that no other HBCU has received to date.
Dr. Foster retired in 1998, but he has not been forgotten, especially by those who have had the honor and privilege of being one of his pupils. It matters not whether you were a music major, drum major, or business major, he was a teacher, first and foremost, and we've never forgotten it.
Dr. Foster is the epitome of coolness under pressure, and his personality and leadership are a part of those who performed under him.
Before leaving the old band room prior to our home games, Dr. Foster would stand on the podium, facing all of his troops and say, "I think the "100" is ready."
If he could think it, then it was duly noted, and we performed like a band under his leadership was supposed to.
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