*Excuse me while I rant for a minute*
Before I start,I want to welcome those of you who stick your head in The Board Room then sneak back to your little conservative blog/talk show and discuss what I wrote. YES,I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!!! Betcha didn't think I knew that,huh? Yes,I'm fully aware of it and I appreciate the free publicity,but FYI,in about.....ohhh......I say another year,you gonna have to cut me a check player,or at least have me on your show so I can defend myself.
*back to the blog*
I am sick and tired of the main stream media giving Glenn Beck a free pass.
I am sick and tired of people saying,"just ignore him."
He may be a racist but the last thing you should do is ignore him. This man attracted almost 500,000 people this past weekend to his "Restoring Honor" rally. The media accepted his spin of it as being more of a "religious event" than a political event.
Ummmm,whatever!!!! It's like the old saying....."You can't Bull/S a Bull/S'er.......
These people were there for one reason and one reason only,THEY HATE PRESIDENT OBAMA! Speaking of the President,is it me or does the President appear that he has given up and decided to just be a one termer? Real Talk.......I can't blame him if he does. I mean,after the way these people have been attacking him and nobody is coming to his defense, I would probably not seek re-election either. Then again, I probably would have put my hands on Glenn Beck,Rush Limbaugh and Sara Palin by now too. Yeah.....I know,I know.......you're not supposed to hit a woman. I wouldn't touch her but I would make a couple of phone calls to Shaniqua,Fon'Quesha and
Sha'ne-ne and nem. I'm sure they would love to meet Mrs. Palin.
I saw this weekend where the President addressed the "Muslim Issue". Why in the world does this man have to keep answering that question? If all Muslims are bad because the terrorist that attacked America on 9/11 were Muslim,then what does that make all white people who are Christians in this country? Before you start with the bashing of Christians,slow your roll,I'M A CHRISTIAN!!!! But the greatest terrorists known to man-kind were the Ku Klux Klan and they tried to use Christianity to justify their actions. What's the difference?
I hope you guys pay close attention to what's going on in this country because this man(Beck) is PURPOSEDLY creating the Perfect Storm which might cause a catastrophic event to take place in this country. I pray that's not the case but all you have to do is study history to realize this movie has been played before.
*this concludes my rant*
Pretty good rant. Finished?
ReplyDeleteNow that you're back to earth, you do realize that Beck pushed your buttons pretty good, don't you?
Know anything about boxing? Who is likely to win: a guy who gets mad, loses control, and flails all over the place; or the guy who studies his opponent, controls his emotions, and makes every move count?
How about blogging like that last guy fights? What are Beck's strengths? Weaknesses? Give people lines like, "yeah, I heard about what Beck said, but statistics say such and such and Beck forgot so-and-so." Then we'll be able to jab with strength.
Reminds me back when Geo.Wallace was running for pres. Someone stuck his bumper sticker on my car. I pulled it off and, as I was going into one of the buildings I met my English professor. We got to talking and she told me how worried she was that he might get into office. I gave her some political pointers and when we parted she was no longer a mouse shivering with fright, but a woman with a mission. Too bad I didn't keep that sticker.
Just sticking my own neck out.
Thanks for sticking your neck out but I disagree with you my friend. BECK didn't push my buttons.The fact that nobody exposes him for what he is-is what pushes my buttons. But even when my buttons are pushed or times when I'm sent on a rant,I always do it with a smile,never a frown or wailing of the arms.
ReplyDeleteI know a little bit about boxing.I know that you can't prepare for each fight the same way. You have to adapt to your opponent and the way he fights. Giving statistics sounds good and would be logical if this was a different kind of fight.
But I believe that Glenn Beck is demonic (SERIOUSLY,I DO!)
I believe he is PURPOSEDLY stoking the flames of hatred to create a situation for a catastrophic event to take place in this country that hasn't been seen since 1963. So to counter what he says with statistics is a waste of time when he's promoting such demonic things as "white victimization" and "this nation is under attack by the Obama administration"
All done in an effort to place fear in the hearts of certain people. Plus,giving statistics does no good if the people aren't willing to get mad enough to fight back.
See, that is the problem with Democrats,the mainstream media and all that's good in the world. We passively sit by and let people like Beck,Limbaugh and FOX News spread their evil spirit all over the place. You can't fight those kind of people with statistics. Plus I seriously doubt giving statistics and counter-points will change the minds and hearts of the people who think the President is an undercover Muslim who is purposedly destroying this country.
I'll accept your point about statistics, because you are giving me more info, which was my point. I know nothing about Beck (I can't hear) but I have looked him up in Wikipedia and found out that he is a Mormon so I wouldn't be too surprised by your belief in him being demonic.
ReplyDeleteBTW, http://realdealecon.blogspot.com/ is where I get another take on Obama.