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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chad Ochocinco:The Ultimate Catch (For White Women)

Oh boy........here we go again. Black women being upset about black men who(only)date white women is getting a little old,don't you think? This time it's Chad Ochocinco. Chad has a show where he will choose "the love of his life" from a group of women. If I'm correct,it was originally a group of 85 women but only 3 of them were black.Of course the black women were eliminated in the first round,leaving Chad with only white women to choose from. Well,once again,"some" black women are besides themselves. They "can't stand it when a man gets money and only dates white women." Ladies, get over it,OK? This argument or outrage you display when you see a black man with a white woman is sooooo 1990ish. I've said it before and I'll say it again, If it ain't YOUR man dating a white woman,it shouldn't concern you!!!!! It really makes you look small,insecure and bitter.And before you ask,NO I don't date white women.But it drives me crazy how some black women will go ballistic when they see a black man with a white woman.
For the record,Chad has a son with a black woman. Does THAT make you feel better!?


  1. I pray that chad gets the woman he deserves. If white makes him happy go for it.

    If you going for insecurities inside it will fall apart, with her walking away with alot of his earnings.

    How about making peace with the person inside, also when you take the skin off, we are the same, the damage or enlightment is done upstairs where we renew our mind as to who we are in Christ.

    I am an AfricanAmerican woman, my least worry is who a black man decides to marry. You also tend to travitate toward what has been kept away from you all your life but flounted at you on in media. Get to know your self and you will be surprised the things that does not matter.


  2. Great post Mod! But you may want to change your number and move because some of my sista friends might want to come looking for you (lol)!

  3. "Get to know yourself and you will be surprised the things that does not matter.",that's exactly my point Gerrie.Thanks for stopping by The Board Room and please pass the word.
    @G- lol yeah,I know what you mean. I had this discussion last week and some women called me a sellout,accused me of hating my race and all types of stuff. I have never dated a white woman and don't plan on it. I'm just tired of the anger "some" black women display when they see black men(with money)dating white women. I don't hear that same outrage about the man making 40k/yr that dates white women.It really has gotten old!

  4. No one really cares who these celebrities date, except maybe their "baby mama's."

    Most women of color would not give him the time of day. Yes he has money, but money can't make you cute. If you have issues with your mother or race, no one wants you either.

    I wish him well, he is no Denzel Washington so he needs to get real and don't believe the hype.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. If you black women are to good for him that's okay because us white women will treat him like the king that he is!

  5. You can date a white girl Mod. Its aight. Heaven forbid you get with her because you're IN LOVE with her.

  6. I feel you Chuck. I can't date them because
    (a)That's not my desire
    (b)I'm currently dating a black woman (lol).

    Seriously,I could care less what color a woman is,love is love. Some people just get over sensitive about the interracial dating thing.
