Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What If The White Militias And Tea Party People Were Black?

Read an interesting article by Courtland Malloy in the Washington Post last week. The title was "What If The White Militias Were Black?" That's an interesting question and the article hit home on so many different levels,but I want to take it a step farther and ask a few more questions.
-What if the Tea Party was made up of predominately black people who showed up at events with pictures of President Bush in Klan uniforms like they show up with pictures of President Obama dressed as a witch doctor?
Would we be portrayed as "patriotic Americans" exercising our First Amendment rights?
-Would we be portrayed as "concerned citizens" if a poor little black lady showed up at a town hall meeting crying "I want my country back"?
-Would the national media blow it off as exercising our Second Amendment rights if members of a Black Militia show up 1000ft. of President Bush with semi automatic rifles?
-What do you think would happen if Massachusetts Govenor Duval Patrick stood in front of the Massachusetts Tea Party "Patriots" and said his state should consider succeeding from the Union because people in Washington don't represent them anymore?
Would the national media cover it for one day then sweep it under the rug ignoring the underlying message in that statement?
-What if black people started waving the Red,Black and Green flag like the Tea Party people wave that stupid "Don't Tread On Me" flag?
Would we be told to "go back to Africa"?

Just food for thought!

Anyway,if you get a chance,check out Mr.Malloy's article.
Oh and can some of my fellow bloggers PLEASE tell me how to add the link tab to my blog posts. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Mod, I have asked the same question several times. I even asked a white co-worker who is all into the tea party movement and taking back America. She couldn't make herself say she'd still support their issues if they were black proving my point. If they were black, they would have found a way to shut them down by now!
