Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Five Things I Learned From The Shirley Sherrod Ordeal

1.I learned this administration is gutless when it comes to addressing issues of race.
2. I learned this adminstration is spineless when it comes to confronting the modern day Ku Klux Klan disguised as a cable news channel.
3.I learned this administration is the most disloyal administration that have ever set foot in the White House.
4.I learned (already knew)the NAACP is irrelevant in 2010.
5.I learned (already knew)Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow are the best thing going on television right now.

Point 1
Whenever there is ANYTHING that appears to be race related,this White House cower in a corner. Instead of addressing racists/racism and calling it what it is,they would rather sweep it under the rug or make it go away.
Point 2
Shirley Sherrod was asked to pull over on the side of the road and submit her resignation ASAP via blackberry.
Why,the rush!?
-Do you think George W. Bush gave a damn about what CNN,MSNBC or ANYBODY for that matter,said about him?
Point 3
They didn't even give this woman a chance to explain that the video was taken out of context,they wanted her fired. Ms. Sherrod campaigned and supported Obama but she didn't receive the benefit of the doubt. Guess I should have seen it coming,look at how they turned on Van Jones, ACORN and other people who were fighting on their behalf.
Point 4
Ben Jealous,President of the NAACP was one of the very first people to throw her under the bus. He later issued an apology saying he had been "snookered" by Fox News. Since when did the President of the NAACP rely on the modern day Ku Klux Klan (dba FOX "News") to get accurate information? The NAACP is about as relevant in 2010 as a pay phone. Last week they passed a resolution stating the tea party movement has "elements" of racism. That's like a bunch of meteorlogists getting together and passing a resolution stating the sun will come out one day next week.
The main stream media is a joke. The only two people willing to speak the truth are Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. Sure they both can be over the top at times but at least they aren't afraid to speak their mind and call a spade a spade

Here's an example of what I mean:

If you have followed this blog for any length of time you know I am (was) one of this President's biggest supporters. But I am tired of this tip-toe,play it nice,let's not offend anyone,can we all get along mentality. Enough already!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, the president and this White House are so afraid of criticism from the Tea Party activists and right-wing angry white males that they will throw their own employees under the bus without getting the story straight.

    Anyone who voted for Obama (like you and me) should be concerned about his administration's sloppy handling of this case.
