Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hate Inc.

These two men have amassed a fortune at the expense of Barack Obama. They drive their hate machines all the way to the bank. Last year,Beck made $32 million and Limbaugh made close to $44 million. Why,because a certain segment of people in this country can't stomach the fact that a man who isn't the same color as they are,resides in the White House with his family. Don't be fooled by Republicans,Tea Party people and the likes when they say,"We just disagree with his policies". Sure, and I think Sarah Palin is a Rhodes Scholar. Millions of guillable people tune in everyday to hear Limbaugh says things like,"If Barack Obama wasn't black, he would be a tour guide in Hawaii". Beck is no better,last week,he said,"The President is sympathetic to the New Black Panther's Party hate speech",part of his continuing theme to show that the President "hates white people" therefore must be stopped. These things aren't just randomly said. They are calculated to fuel the hatred that these two and Fox "News" purposedly promotes. I've said it before and I'll say it again,these two along with other Right-Wing talk shows are PURPOSEDLY creating a violent atmosphere towards the President with their hate speech. Sad thing about it is, the people who follow them aren't uneducated people (for the most part). Many of them own companies or are in a position to make decisions that affect the lives of others(and people wonder why Black unemployment is so high). Many of the people who listen to these two have intentionally laid off black employees as a means of revenge for supporting the President. Sure we should pray for these two and others,but we should also fight back by spreading the truth,voicing our disagreements and creating our own wealth.

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