Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do You Know This Man?

Since the Michael Steele angle didn't work, the GOP has come up with another way to trick , I meant, reach out to black voters. This time, they have decided to be a little more aggressive. This time, they are going to throw "some" of their weight, money and support behind a black man as a serious Presidential candidate in 2012.
Meet Herman Cain!
Mr. Cain is a great American success story. He was raised in Atlanta by two hard working, blue-collar parents. His father worked as a chauffer and a janitor, and his mother worked as a maid. Mr. Cain is a well accomplished business man. In the early 80s, he took over 450 under-performing Burger Kings, turned them around and made them profitable. In the mid 80s, he took over a failing Godfather's Pizza company and turned them into the household name they are today. Mr. Cain has all the traits that would make him an attractive alternative to Barack Obama. But make no mistake about it, the only thing that Mr. Cain and the President has in common is their skin color. Mr. Cain is a tea party member and is against EVERYTHING the President stands for.
But that's not how the GOP will package Mr. Cain.
They're going to package him as a moderate who "likes" the President, but thinks he's out of touch with the people-especially, BLACK people.
(They will point to the high unemployment numbers in the black community to make this point).
But I think we all know that a black man can't win the GOP nomination. But just so they won't look like the party for white people only, they'll place him on the GOP ticket with a certain Governor from the South, whom you've read about a couple of times on this blog and package them as a portrait of REAL AMERICA.
They are banking on the fact that the black voters who supported the President in 2008 won't show up to the polls and the white moderates who voted for the President, will take a serious look at their ticket.

It's up to you and me to make sure that others are educated about the games and tricks of the GOP.

Remember, you heard it in THE BOARD ROOM first!!!

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