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Monday, January 3, 2011

Another Year, Another New Year's Resolution You Won't Keep

Here we go again!
 It's the first business day of a new year and everybody and their MAMA'S mama is talking about losing weight and working out. So me, (being the smart person that I am), I decided I would go to the gym early today thinking I can get in, do my thing, and get out before the crowd hits. Well, once again, you slackers have ruined my day at the gym!
I get to the gym and you people are EVERYWHERE!
(With the exception of big muscle dudes who stand in the mirror all day) Nothing irks me more than to have you out of shape dudes just sitting on the bench looking around. Dude, what are you looking at? Use the machine or get out of the way!
Then there were these ladies standing by the stationary bikes just staring at them like the bikes were supposed to pick THEM up and ride THEM.
Me being Mr. Nice Guy (and a little ticked off), I decied to go get a trainer to get them out of the way, (I meant),  to assist them.
THIS dude starts talking to one of the ladies,trying to get her phone number.
I know this is normal activity at most gyms, but I bet you that most of you people won't be there more than a month!
It happens every year.
"Girl, I'm going to the gym so I can be fine by the summer."
"Man, I'm about to get this gym membership so I can get a six pack for the summer."
You know doggone well, that after the first of February, you won't see a gym again until this time next year. You'll be looking at your caller ID trying to avoid the trainer who wants to know why you didn't get that gym membership you were so determined to get.
I'm sorry for the ranting but you people get on my nerves!!!
I wish you would go home and watch some Donna Richardson or Richard Simmons tapes or something, instead of cluttering up the gym.

One Angry Gym Member!

Oh Yeah......Happy New Year! (lol)

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