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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can Someone PLEASE Talk To Tiger

Ok,I know I promised a couple of months ago that I would stay clear of this Tiger Woods thing. But can someone PLEASE talk to Tiger. Let him know,scrolling through his phone......in public......smiling....while his wife isn't around.....after he has sent all KINDS of explicit messages to every cheap,broke down,cocktail waitress/stripper in the country......is NOT a good look.It doesn't matter if it was the POTUS on the other line. Doing this in public looks suspect. I know it's probably something innocent,but after seeing the way this dude handles his business(or lack their of).I wouldn't be surprised if some hooker/waitress/stripper/porn star/random blonde claims Tiger was sending her text messages from Augusta in a couple of months.


  1. You're absolutely right. This fool needs some serious PR training.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if he IS texting someone. I'm all for staying out of his personal business,but I don't think he gets it.

  3. So I guess he shouldn't smile at ALL now, huh? I agree that his philandering is disgusting but he has taken steps to heal himself and he is trying. We are all human. You never know.....maybe it is a pic of one of his children. It is time to move on and leave Tiger alone.
