Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Not Calling Steve Harvey's Ex Wife A Liar, But............

I've never been one to say I told you so.
(wait for it)
(wait for it)
(WAIT....for it)

I told you that woman was lying! I tried to tell all of you that something didn't sound right about her claims that Steve Harvey left her broke, homeless and STOLE their son away from her. This woman went on show after show and did video after video.......all in an effort to slander this man, his wife, get a book deal and help Shanae Hall promote her book that was suppose to be an answer to Steve Harvey's book. But all of that ended when the judge in her divorce case decided to lift the gag order.
Turns out everything she said was a bald face LIE!
-She said Steve left her without any money.
*Court records show that he paid her $40,000/month for 4 years. Then at the end of the 4 years, he gave her a lump sum payment of $1.5 million.
-She claims that she was kicked out of her home.
*Court records show Steve signed over 3 properties to her.
-She claim that he STOLE their son and brainwashed him (SMH).
* Court records show that she willingly  put her son on a plane without Steve knowing.
 (In other words, she gave her son away)
I'm not making light of their situation. Honestly, we all should pray for both, Steve and his family, and his ex wife.
But what I AM making light of, is all of you out there in the blogasphere and social media that called ME stupid, naive and said that I was taking his side because I was probably the same way-(yeah, I saw your FB page and read the blogs that you didn't think I read).
This is the problem with our community. We look for the worst in people. And don't let them get on their "religious high horse" as some of you described it, then we will talk about them and call them everything but a child of God!
Many of you criticized the title "relationship expert". Steve Harvey doesn't call himself that, others do. And even if he did, so what?
You don't see white people questioning Dave Ramsay's expertise on finances even though he went through bankruptcy, had a car repo'd and blew a couple of million dollars. But we will throw someone under the bus over an accusation made by a bitter, scorned ex wife?
We as black people are sometimes our own worst enemy. Instead of building people up, we wait for them to fall!
See the court documents for yourself.

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