Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Just Don't Get It Mr. President

Why would the President agree to do an interview with Bill O'Reilly or anyone from FOX? They're not a news organization, they're a propaganda machine. Not only are they a propaganda machine, they are purposely trying to destroy his presidency. That was never more evident than yesterday when the President sat down to do an interview with Bill O'Reilly. I knew things were going to go wrong when O'Reilly started out with an overly congratulatory statement about the President stepping in to help a Fox news reporter in Cairo last week. I knew right then that O'Reilly was setting the President up for an insult or a complete lack of respect. He did both, by cutting the President's sentences short, interrupting the Prez and just appearing to act like Mr. Obama was this naive little boy who just happened to stumble into to something he wasn't prepared to deal with. But nothing, NOTHING was more disrespectful than this man asking the POTUS, "How does it feel to have so many people HATE you?"
When the President tried to answer, O'Reilly jumped in and said, "But they HATE you!"
The President tried to laugh it off and smile it away. But personally, I'm tired of him laughing things off and smiling things away. This may be my 10th time saying this in the last 2 years, but I wish this President would show a little fight.
Yeah, I know, I know, "he's too classy for that."
If he wants to control the tenor of the conversation in this country, he needs to start fighting back. Or better yet, learn how to recognize a trap before he walks into one.
I just don't get it!

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