Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Talk To The Hand

Just when I thought I had seen it all, she amazes me again. In a speech where she criticized the President as a charismatic person who "reads teleprompters", THIS woman has notes scribbled on her hand......ON HER HAND!!!! They don't even do that in grade school anymore and some people think she is qualified to be POTUS? Not only was her speech shallow,full of lies,and incoherent. But we still don't have a clear idea of the platform of the Tea Party other than the fact they hate Barack Hussein Obama.Her speech was full of talking points and clever remarks to excite a crowd of 1,000 people with the IQ of a pitbull(without the lipstick). But like everything Sarah Palin does, it lacked substance.They paid this woman $150,000 to come speak,at least she could have memorized what she wanted to say.
I can't say I'm surprised, I mean this IS the same woman who said she could see Russia from Alaska and that gives her foreign policy experience. This IS the same woman that looked like a deer in the headlights when Charlie Gibson asked her to give her opinion on the Bush Doctrine. This IS the same woman who.....ahhh nevermind,I could stay here all day.
But my point is,if President Obama would have been caught reading notes at a speech on national tv,off of his hand, the people on the right would be beside themselves. They already think he is a real life Manchurian Candidate placed here by terrorists to destroy this country(they actually believe that). But at least he can READ unlike the previous guy who read off of the same teleprompters for 8 years.


  1. Hey Mod, I am not savvy at all when it comes to politics. I voted fot President Obabma off principle alone. However, I am flabbergasted she had something wrote in her hand. What is that about? No, for real, what is that about?They still make index cards.


  2. Lol,yes they still make index cards but the issue many people(including myself) have with this is the hypocrisy of it. She and other Republicans spend time criticizing the President for reading a teleprompter as all Presidents have done. Many of them have this conspiracy theory that the President is this Manchurian Candidate,mysteriously sent here to destroy this country. Yeah,I know,long story,will explain someday. She criticized him during her speech and besides, if someone is "suppose" to be a viable Presidential candidate(or SGA President)you don't write notes on your hand.

  3. I am so sick and tired of this woman! Why people think she has anything to say is beyond me. All I can say about that horrible speech is, I wonder what it would have sounded like if she'd washed her hands after using the bathroom??!!! LOL
