Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Church Leader or Cult Leader?

Before you watch this video. My attorney has advised me to add this disclaimer:
As the creator of this blogspot,I am NOT responsible for any damage you may cause to your screen as a result of this video. I am also not responsible for any loud outburst that may cause you to lose your job,any profanity you may use in front of your children or any physical violence you may cause to the person nearest you.Ok, you guys ready? Alright....... WAIT....you sure? OK........PRESS PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*runs for cover*

Put the gun down!!! Stop cussing!!!! Don't call him!!!! Hold Up!!! Hold Up!!! Take a DEEP breath......BREATHE!!!!! BREATHE!!!!

OKAY!!!!!! We're ready!!!

NOW, do you see the importance of being under the right teaching as it relates to the Word of God? I mean regardless of your religious beliefs,surely know that THIS is some over the top,propaganda,hateful "stuff".Sure,he's a disgrace to the black race and any other race. Sure he's full of self-hatred.Sure he's all that you are thinking he is and so much more. But that's not where I want to go with this blog.
THIS is where I want to go with this blog

The hypocrisy of this man is evident in the fruit that he is attempting to bear. How can anyone of color(ANY COLOR) send their children to a school where this guy is the leader? And yes,i said leader. It may not be a big deal on the surface,but I've watched this person before and he makes regular comments about "his followers".And there lies the problem ladies and gentlemen. Too many people in the body of Christ worship MAN instead of GOD. Many of us know people who go to church every Sunday but they worship certain PEOPLE in the church and as soon as the person they worship leaves the church......well nevermind I better leave that alone.(long story)
*Back to the blog*
In this case the Honorable James David Manning has blind followers.How else would you explain the parents who allow their children to sit under someone so vile, ignorant and hateful as this? Not ONCE,out of all the clips I've seen of this man has he taught the actual Word of God.......NOT ONCE!!!! Yet,people are attending his church and sending their kids to his school.
How are the kids suppose to become productive citizens when the parents are exposing them to THIS type of rhetoric? How can you teach a child to love his neighbor when you are sending him/her to learn under such hated? Sure,this guy has always been over the top.But some of these things he says are just unreal.Instead of attacking President Obama,you would think he would use him as the greatest living example of what can happen if you make the right decisions in life.
I just hope the parents of these children will wake up and realize what they are doing to them and our community before it's too late.

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