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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Praise & Inspiration

It's two o'clock in the morning, I just finished writing, and I still can't go to sleep.
And the reason I can't go to sleep has nothing to do with the thirty minute nap I took earlier that turned into a three hour nap.
It has nothing to do with that.
You see, I just heard a song that sent me into full worship mode, a full eight hours before it's time for me go to church.
You DO know that you don't have to wait until you get to church to worship God.
I mean, you do know that, right?
Anyway, the song I heard was a song that you've probably never heard before, being song by someone that you may or may not have ever heard sing before.
Her name is Candy West!
Candy has an anointing on her life that honestly,  you really have to see and experience in person, to understand it.
Fortunately, I get to see and experience it every Sunday morning.
Candy is the Director of Praise and Worship at my church,
    The Worship Center Christian Church (click on the link)
Not sure if it will have the same effect on you as it had on me, but I just felt lead to make this my Sunday Praise & Inspiration video
Hope you enjoy it.
And get used to the name because I believe God is about to use Candy to minister to people all over this country.

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