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Monday, June 13, 2011

Woman Gives Eddie Long A Stack Of Money

*First "religious blog" *

Those of you who know me, know I have worked extremely hard to sift my tongue or shall I say, edit the words that come out of my mouth. But this entire thing has been bubbling inside of me like bad gas sitting on my stomach.
Maybe that's why to me, this latest thing has such a bad smell to it.
Many people have pleaded with me not to blog about the Eddie Long situation. I agreed to it, despite the fact that I didn't think a grown man who was being labeled a liar, a pedophile and a closet homosexual should settle out of court.
Let me tell you something: If you say those things about me- AFTER WE FINISH FIGHTING, (because those are fighting words), we're going to court and you WILL make a public apology to the world for slandering my name.
(Sorry, I'm a work in progress).
*back to the blog*
 You would THINK, that a man who stood up in front of his congregation and said (and I quote)
"This thing, Im going to fight" would want his day in court so that his name could be cleared.
If not for him, then at least for his wife, his children AND his church family.
Yeah.......I know all of the bible verses and I know all the scriptures that some of you are thinking about.
I can hear you now, "Don't put your mouth on a Man of God"......"People need to leave this alone because we all have skeltons in our closets".
But in my opinion, it's that type of attitude that has allowed people in power-not just Pastors, but from all walks of life- to do things without fear of facing the consequences for their actions from their company or in this case, their congregation.

Which brings me to this:

Listen, I understand the principle of "FIRST FRUIT"
I understand and believe in the principle of tithing.
I understand sowing, I get all of that.
But with the bad image this man AND the entire Body of Christ has, it would have made more sense to say, "Bless you sister but I want you to keep this and God will bless you for your desire to give".
But NOOOOO.......instead he screams out "MANIFEST"!
Maybe I have a problem with it because I have no faith in the person whose mouth it came out of.
It's already hard enough for people in the Body of Christ to convince others that church is still relevant and God is real.
Now they have video of a man who just paid young men $25 million to keep their mouths closed, accepting a stack of cash from some "random" woman?
Sorry, but it's hard for ME to accept this as genuine, so I know it's hard for the average person to do so.
We don't need anymore battles to fight while on this uphill journey to save souls.
It's bad enough we have to deal with people IN the Body of Christ attacking other Christians who are members of a "mega-church." Question: When did "mega-churches" become the enemy?
(Nevermind, we'll deal with that on my next religious blog.)
Maybe if we stop worshipping "Men of God" and started worshipping GOD HIMSELF, videos like this wouldn't even exist! Because if we truly worshipped GOD, we could give in PRIVATE and know that God would reward us for our sacrifice in PUBLIC.

Sorry if this blog is all over the place, but I did this in one shot without editing. (Blogger network still tripping)

Give me some feedback and let me know what you think.


  1. I agree with you 100% & this random woman was part of his act to have others give money. This was poorly staged not one of his security people stop her & look at what she is wearing. They should've had a older woman in an expensive church attire do that.

  2. Mod,
    You speak the truth and I love the perspective you took on this issue. In recent days more has been revealed and things continue to look worse. I posted on my FB page that It is impossible for me to see how people can continue to be blind to the truth. We must see the truth for what it is, especially when God shows it to you. If you choose to accept the truth and still support the person, it's your choice. Sincerely, Sharon Carter
