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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seton Hall Honor Student Shot and Killed At Frat Party

My heart aches after reading this story. Over the weekend, 19 year old Jessica Moore was murdered at a fraternity house party near the campus of Seton Hall University.Witnesses say the two cowards.......my bad.......'suspects' were denied entrance to the party by members of the fraternity. The two cowards......my bad......'suspects' became angry and left only to return with guns. The two made their way into the house and started randomly shooting wounding four and killing Jessica. One witness said one the cowards was standing on the back of a girl who was wounded when the fatal shot was fired that killed Jessica. Many of Jessica's friends are calling her a hero for jumping in front of her friend Nakeisha Vanterpool when she saw one of the cowards.......my bad...... 'suspects' pointing his .357 at Vanterpool.
Are things really that bad now? I recall my days at frat house parties and outsiders wouldn't dare try to come up in the house if they weren't cool with someone in the fraternity.
Where does it end with the total disregard for another person's life?
This really breaks my heart!

They have arrested two suspects in the case. Hopefully they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I tell you one thing, if this was Mekayla (my daughter),there would be no need for a trial. Well maybe MY trial because I would handle these boys with the quickness!

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