Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Black on Black Crime: When Will It Stop?

I was in Atlanta last week with my son at a baseball tournament and saw on the news where a young man showed up at the funeral of the guy he was suspected of murdering, and started shooting......killing two people and wounding three others.
-In Lowndes, County, Al., a man shot and killed a pair of nine year old twins and their 73 year old caretaker. The coward left their bodies on the side of the road.
-In Auburn, Al., a man showed up at a pool party, started a fight over a woman-then shot and killed three people-including two former Auburn football players.
-In Birmingham, Al. a teenager shot and killed three people because he felt like he was disrespected after a card game.
I could go on and on on but unfortunately, you get the picture.

You know, one of the things that really burns me up is what I call the "Selective Outrage" we have as a community. I blogged about it in reference to the Trayvon Martin case. Many of you disagreed with me, but you have to admit, I had a great point.
You disagree?
Ok, answer this for me:
How quick do you think these pimps  so called civil rights leaders would've been in Alabama if the man accused of murdering those nine year old black twins was white?

How much hell do you think they would have raised if the man who shot and killed those people at that funeral looked like George Zimmerman?

Don't get it twisted, that dude should get the electric chair, but my point is:
We look the other way when it comes to black on black crime because we don't want our dirty laundry to air out in a public place. But the minute we can air out someone else's dirty laundry, we get off of our lazy ass fat behinds and start singing "We Shall Overcome" and chanting "No Justice, No Peace!"

As much as it pains me to say this-correction-it doesn't pain me at all.
It needs to be said..........There's a certain segment of our community that are savages and need to be treated as such.
Did I say something wrong?
You didn't like the savages remark?
Ok, go check the stats and murder rates. And if I'm wrong, I'll retract my statement.
Go ahead and check........I'll wait!
(That's what I thought.)

There's a certain segment of our community that are savages and need to be treated as such.
The best way to treat these savages is to make examples out of them.
And the way to make examples out of them is to make sure their punishments are quick and swift.
Yes, I'm talking about the death penalty.
If these guys (and in some cases-girls) knew they would be executed 72 hours after being convicted beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt, maybe they would think twice about taking someone else's life.
When will this cycle of black on black crime stop?

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