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Thursday, January 21, 2010

We Need More Anderson Coopers

Things are getting pretty bad in Haiti right now. It's been over a week since the massive earthquake hit and people are starting to get desperate. People have no way to feed their families so they've resorted to doing what is to be expected,finding and doing what they can. Some in the media call it "looting" but I call it surviving. While watching the news the other day I saw this video and immediately began to shed tears.

Can you IMAGINE what life must be like for these people?


But that wasn't what brought me to tears. I saw Anderson Cooper running down the street with this boy who had been hit in the head with a piece of concrete. It's not clear if the boy was "looting" or not but that's not the point. Anderson just happen to be there and decided to help this boy. For those of you who don't know,Anderson Cooper is not only a journalist(in my opinion one of the best) but Anderson Cooper is rich.
No I mean RICH-RICH. As in filthy,rolling in the money,never having to work a day in his life rich. Anderson Cooper is the only surviving son of Gloria Vanderbilt. Yes,THAT Gloria Vanderbilt.
You may know her as the fashion designer and author but her money goes FAR beyond that. Her great-grandfather was the great shipping magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt.Mr.Vanderbilt amassed a fortune in the late 1800s. The kind of fortune that would put him in the Forbes Top 10 of rich people by today's standards. So seeing this man who could have taken the Paris Hilton route or just simply said to his producers,"send someone else" running down the street with this boy who is bleeding profusely moved me.

I was watching CNN the day after the earthquake hit and Anderson was interviewing Wyclef. Wyclef asked if someone from CNN was going to Haiti and Anderson said "I'M GOING",as to say,I'LL HELP. It hit me because I wonder if I(ME) would have been so quick to throw myself into the middle of that madness. Knowing I had the comforts of tens of millions to fall back on,knowing that I could have delegated someone else to go. I wonder if I would have be so quick to volunteer as Anderson Cooper did. I honestly can't say that I would have.
Hmm,that means I still have more work to do on ME.

Thanks Anderson for showing us how we should treat our fellow man.

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