Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mr.President,Can I Holla At You For A Minute?

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for joining us here in the Board Room. I know you're busy trying to clean up the mess from the past 8 years. But as one of your STRONGEST supporters,I need to holla at you for a minute. Mr.President,I can appreciate you trying to change Washington by trying to get both parties involved. I can appreciate the fact you want to be transparent in your actions so the country doesn't feel like we're being lied to.
However,with all due respect,I'm getting a little tired of the Mr.Nice Guy role.I don't understand why we're still in Iraq after you campaigned to end the war within 16 months. I can't understand why you didn't choose a church in the D.C. area that is more aligned with the church you were a part of in Chicago for 20 years. Who cares what white people and Republicans will say? You were elected by a majority of the people in this country and unlike the last guy,you truly have a mandate. And LORD KNOWS I can't understand why you are trying to appease Republicans who with all due respect Mr.President,hates everything you stand for. They hate the fact that you aren't ashamed of your skin color. They hate the fact that you are a successful Black man who married a strong beautiful black woman. They hate the fact that your children are adorable. They hate EVERYTHING about you and still,you're trying to get a bi-partisan effort on the single most important issue of our lifetime.....healthcare.How's that Joe Lieberman thing working for you Mr.President? I have a request and I know you can't do it. But the next time you see Joe Lieberman have Reggie to chop that dude in his throat for your boy. C'mon Mr.President,don't look at me like that I'm just kidding (unless you gon do it). Another thing,I also can't understand why you can't see that there are people in your inner circle who are hell bent on destroying your Presidency. That's right Mr.President,you have a mole. I dare say it's your Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I'm sure you thought the best way to keep tabs on her was to include her in your cabinet but Mr.President I have studied the Clintons for years. I'm a big fan of the Clintons and cut throat politics is what they do.If you think she's just going to ride off into the sunset after losing the Democratic nomination to you,you crazy as hell.....oops....my bad Mr.President. You're so cool and easy to talk to, I forgot you're the President.
But seriously,take a look around at your inner circle. Stop throwing them under the bus and "accpeting their resignation". I thought the Van Jones thing was handled pretty bad. Van Jones is the kind of guy you need on your team. Sure he made some controversial comments,but do you think the last administration would have thrown one of their own under the bus like that? NO,they would have closed ranks and dared anyone to say anything else about it. But I'm glad you didn't go there with Desiree Rogers last week after those two clowns crashed your party.By the way, that's another topic that I'll deal with very soon.
Finally,Mr.President do not grant FOX NEWS any interviews. They are the offsprings of Satan.......yes they are the devil. Their job is to kill,steal and destroy and so far they are doing a good job. The people who watch that network are zombies who are easily influenced. So there's no need to grant them any interviews,it would be a waste of time. You need to focus on your base and independents because the GOP and Tea Party Patriots are going to cancel each other out. But if you lose the independents you will be a one term President.Sorry to break that to you but you need to hear from the people who has their ears to the streets(well not the STREETS but you know what I'm saying Mr.President).
Can we please see that tenacious,ruthless Obama from Chicago? PLEASE......we are begging you to be yourself.
Alright,I think that's all I got for right now Mr.President. Thanks for stopping by and you're welcome back anytime.


  1. Mod...I'm pleased and proud! Congratulations! You've done it! Yea!!!

    I especially like this post. The picture is even more appropriate for your candid conversation with Barry, as if the two of you were brewing over a couple of brews. I am so with you on the 'mole' in the administration, the need to pull out of Iraq, and total ban of Fox News interviews. Just the other day, we got a glimpse of Barry's Chi-town 'GANSTA' and I don't doubt that he's already two steps ahead of the game...at least, I pray that he is, for our country's sake.

    Here's a prayer that I'd like Mr. President to utter at least 7 times a day..."Lord, let no weapon formed against me and my country prosper and let those who plot my demise be brought to shame! Amen and thank God!"

    Just maybe, he might read your blog :) Keep up the good work. Oh, I REALLY like your style! When is the book coming out? Keep me posted.
