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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Houston, Do We Have A Problem?

Houston,Texas has a population of 2.2 million people and on Dec.12 elected the nations first openly gay Mayor. That night,Annise Parker,53 years old celebrated with her partner Kathy Hubbard. A group of African-American pastors criticized her supposed "gay agenda" and Conservative activist distributed flyers featuring her and her partner and asking "Is THIS the image Houston wants to portray?"
But the attacks did not find traction;a Houston Chronicle/Zogby poll found that Parker's sexuality mattered to just 18% of likely voters.

I personally find this very interesting.You mean the largest city in the state whose Governor hates the President so much that he mentioned the word "succession"? I wonder if THAT'S the image those Conservative activist wants Texas to portray? I wonder if those African-American pastors sat down and had a conversation with Mayor-elect Parker to discuss her agenda,or did they just automatically assume that she had a "gay agenda"? I am a firm believer that marriage is between one man and one woman. I oppose gay marriage and I do not agree with the gay lifestyle. However,if a person is qualified for the job,they should be afforded the same opportunity to fail or succeed as anyone else. If the citizens of Houston thought Ms.Parker was the best choice to move their city forward then so be it. I hope my fellow citizens of Birmingham is taking note.

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