Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

CBC Wants Obama To Do More For Black People

Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman expressed disappointment after Obama's jobs speech.Her exact quote was "she wished the President would have addressed racial disparities in unemployment in the upcoming jobs bill". She also gave the following statistics to drive home her point:
Nearly 28% of Blacks recieve food aid compared to 15% for Latinos and 8% of whites.
I know this won't be the popular thing to say but since we're in The Board Room and this is a closed door meeting I'm going to say it. We ALL know more than a few people who are just as content sitting at the crib,waiting on a check,watching Judge Judy,Maury Povich and Jerry Springer. If President Obama himself walked up to their door,gave them a job with a salary,some of those same people would say (with the neck roll and all).....THAT'S ALL YOU GON GIVE ME? Don't give me that look,y'all know I'm telling the truth. Some of us have family members who have NO desire to even THINK about looking for a job,they just want a handout......DON'T ACT LIKE IT'S JUST ME!!!!

Now back to the CBC.

So President Obama isn't doing enough to help Black people get jobs huh?I knew it was coming,just didn't think it would be this soon. Barack Obama is President of The United States of America,NOT BLACK America but of ALL Americans. But the CBC wants him to make a different set of rules for us? Maybe it's just me but I don't believe it's the President's job to make sure he "takes care of the brothas".Was he supposed to make an amendment to the bill that would GUARANTEE jobs for Blacks? I just don't get it and neither does the CBC. It's statements like that which makes one think the CBC is either over stepping it's boundaries or is no longer a relevant part of the political game. Truth be told some of these groups became irrelevant years ago. The problem is no one wants to stand up and tell them for fear of being called a racist or an Uncle Tom.But some of these "black leaders" should really be ashamed of themselves.

For years Blacks fought to be treated equally. Some of those people never thought they would see the day a person of color would sit behind the desk in the Oval Office.Now the moment has arrived, and some of those very people want to cut his legs from under him. Do these people not realize when they make statements like this,publicly or privately,it reinforces the beliefs of those zombies who hang on every word of racists like Rush Limbaugh? Last week Limbaugh "analyzed the black mind". This clown said that Black people are turning on the President because he hasn't GIVEN them anything. But yet when Limbaugh makes statements like this,the CBC are the ones who are quick to call for his sponsors to drop him. People like Limbaugh take what "black leaders" say and interpret that as the WORD on how ALL Blacks feel and think. And for the record this moron said the whole Tiger Woods thing isn't helping Black people feel better about themselves either(will deal with that in my next blog).

I say this to the CBC. If you're going to help Republicans sabotage this Presidency after only 11 months into it,don't complain in 2010 in 2012 when they are back in power. Because at the rate WE'RE going,it's will happen.

1 comment:

  1. He is the President of the entire United States!! But going back to your post before responding to the CBC, I know those same people send their children to school to receive free lunch. Well, the problem is, the children will throw the entire free lunch away!! They get the menu ahead of time so there is no excuse. Yet, these same children will bring money to school daily to buy ice cream. Well, if you can buy ice cream on a daily basis, then you can at least pay a reduce fee for lunch and maybe it wont' be such a waste. Also, try using that money to buy books! Books for pete's sake!! Try reading! And you know what? I bet the parents of these children were the first in line to buy the lastest Nikes over Christmas Break. Misplaced priorities!!
