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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welfare Politics

This video has been the topic of conversation of every conservative talk radio show today.
Every conservative blog in the country has it on it's front page.
The suggestion here is that black people are voting for President Obama because-as the lady in the video puts it- "He gives us free stuff if we're on welfare."
Does anyone really think this video is authentic?
Does anyone think that a bunch of people will get together, make signs, stand in the street and encourage people to vote for the president because he gives them "free stuff"?

Do I think these type of people exist?
Of course I do!
But I can almost promise you that people on welfare aren't going to go stand on a street corner all day unless someone is paying them.
And since I seriously doubt someone from the Obama campaign is openly soliciting their support, the question then becomes,
Who's sponsoring this bafoonery?
If I had to guess, the color of their skin is the opposite of her skin, and they're probably voting for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

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