Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The First Lady's Plane Has A "NEAR MISS"

Today the First Lady and Jill Biden were returning to Washington from New York when their plane had a "near miss" with a cargo jet.
Ok- First of all:  Why were there any other planes in the vicinity of her plane?
Second of all: How did a CARGO JET get that close to the First Lady's plane without somebody saying, "Hey, that's the First Lady's plane!"

I don't trust these people and neither do I trust the people that surround the President (except for Reggie, Valerie and a few more folks). I told you a year ago, there are too many INSIDE leaks.
TRANSLATION: There's a mole in the inner circle.
You can laugh if you want to, but I'm very serious. Let's continue to keep the Obamas in our prayers because satan the GOP will do anything to keep the President from getting re-elected in 2012.

I tell ya one thang:  If something happens to that woman- I will set it OFF up in dis mutha (SHUT YO MOUF).

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