Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, July 2, 2012

What A Man REALLY Want In A Woman?

A friend of mine asked me this question about two months ago.
To be honest with you, I politely blew it off.
It was nothing against my friend, she just happened to catch me at a time when I was dealing with my thing.
(see previous blog)
A few weeks later, another one of my friends hosted a discussion on the exact same topic.
It was a great discussion because she interviewed some real brothers .
These men weren't trying to say what they thought women wanted to hear, they were expressing how they believe most men feel.
So after watching that discussion, I began thinking about an answer to my friend's question;
"What does a man really want in a woman?"
I thought about it......and then I thought about it some more.
I knew what I wanted to say, but for some reason, I just couldn't figure out how to say it.
Then I saw the above picture.
Coincidentally, I saw the above picture a few days after God granted me my RELEASE from the thing that I'd been dealing with.
(again, see previous blog)
You see, my thing was a previous relationship.
One of the things I used to do in that relationship, was lay my head in the lap, or on the chest of the woman I was dating-just like the man in the above picture.
When I did that, I felt like I was in a safe place-just like the man in the above picture.
I truly believe every "man" wants one thing, and one thing only from a woman-to feel like she is his safe place.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels relaxed.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels at ease.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like he has somewhere to rest the burdens that may have kept him up all night.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like no obstacle can get in his way.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like regardless of how many enemies he has, he can win the battle.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like he can confess his faults and failures and still find encouragement.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like he can talk openly about his past without being judged or condemned.
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like he can make a mistake without it ever being thrown back in his face.
When a man finds a safe place, he feels like he can deal with the gossip, rumors and lies of church folks because he has a prayer partner at home.
(my bad-that was personal)
When a man finds that safe place, he feels like regardless of how well he's doing, he can always push himself to do better.

I could go on and on and on, but there's no need to do that.
If you want to know what a man really wants in a woman-all you have to do is look at the above photo to find your answer.


  1. Mr. Lumpkin,
    I can relate to your pure assessment of how men and women are viewed in the eyes of one another. I concur and offer the following commentary: Life with another is easy as long as it involves mutual respect and a plan to "have" and not a plan to just co exist. I often raise the question, what if society offered no means of dissolving a marriage, would you be careful and enter into holy matrimony with a GOD focus or Christ centered marriage? While my question is rhetorical in nature, the total essence of the question begs to unravel what exactly is EACH relationship about? What is your foundation; are you trying to create a legacy or are you simply trying to lift a Leg-So- you can See?
    Mr. Anatomy = Hurchel Williams, MBA
    Facebook Personal Send your friend request to: https://www.facebook.com/mranatomy

  2. @Mr. Anatomy- OH WOW! That's so true!

    Thanks for stopping by. I deactivated my main FB page, but please feel free to join The Board Room on FB.
    (the link is to the right of the blog)
    Great to connect with good brothas.

    Peace and Blessings!

    Mod Lumpkin

  3. Mod, I thoroughly enjoyed that. It sounds like we all are basically looking for the same things in each other.

  4. You're right. My research shows that men mostly want to be left alone. Check out some of my blog posts at http://menwantinawoman.com
