Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Farewell To One Of My Heroes, Rev.Fred Shuttlesworth

My heart is heavy right now as I mourn the lost of one of my heroes, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth.
Long before there was a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., there was "that crazy preacher from Bethel Baptist Church".
He was the spark that ignited the fire that started the civil rights movement-and that fire was "A Fire You Can't Put Out."
I can tell you how in 1956 he tried to integrate the Birmingham Police force during a time when black folks weren't allowed to share the same sidewalk as a white person.
I can tell you how he had his home bombed, his church bombed and his life threatened on a daily basis.
I can tell you how he bravely walked through an all white crowd and tried to enroll two black kids in an all white elementary school.
I can tell you how the following year, he was almost beaten to death for trying to get his sons into all white Phillips High School, (the school I graduate from in 1989).
I can tell you how he embodies the spirit of an entire city.
I can tell you how he inspired people like myself to speak my mind boldy, without fear or hesitation.
I can tell you about the many awards he received during his 89 years of living.
I can tell you what I think his greatest accomplishments are.
I could go on all day and night about Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth.
But my attempt to put into words what he meant to me, my city and our people wouldn't do his memory justice.
Therefore, I will let you hear from the man himself- my hero, the late Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth.

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