Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Monday, July 18, 2011

"Slap A Bi*ch" Contest

*Meeting Called To Order*

Have you ever wondered why our young folks are so violent towards each other?
Have you ever wondered why they're filled with such anger and hostility?
Have you ever watched the local news or read the paper and said to yourself,
"Some black kids just don't know HOW to act!"
You haven't!?
Well, I have! 
A few weeks ago, I was watching the BET "Music" Awards. I don't know why, but I was.
During the commercial breaks, a local nightclub was promoting their new club event.

I think the commercial went a little something like this:
Ladies, do you want to make some money?
Has someone been getting on your nerves lately?
Is there a chick you been wanting to slap but haven't because you're afraid you might get in trouble?
Well, tell that bi*ch to meet you this Wednesday night for the "Slap A Bi*ch" contest.
That's wasn't verebatim but it was pretty darn close.
You think I'm making this up?
Ok, see it for yourself:
(profanity and very graphic)

 (I'll give you a few minutes to pick your jaw up off the floor)
You good?
Ok, check this out:
 If you see a commerical like this being advertised in your city, please contact your local city council member, Mayor or whoever, and ask them to intervene to end this savage like behavior.

(bangs gavel on the table)
Meeting adjourned!


  1. Brother Chairman,
    I totally agree with the course of action that you suggest, for this type of action to involve and call the reins of Public officials, City Council, the Mayor. In some instances where clubs, venues,and sites assist in this behavior, their license to operate is removed and even shut down permanently. I didn't happen to see the commercial, but I think events such as this are carriers of the disease- 'Knock Somebody Out' Syndrome. I wonder if the promoters even thought about if the "contest" gets out of hand, or the Contenders will bring- with or without their entourage- weapons. I mean, come on, now. And people act oblivious and confused with the increasing rates of violence in US cities, or why kids are faced with more aggravated levels of bullying. Violence breeds violence, and this event is merely a sad attribute to the root of the problem.

  2. Is this serious? People are actually letting some one slap them on purpose for money.
