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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Playing Politics With The "Black Vote"

Artur Davis at a rally for then candidate Sen.Barack Obama in Birmingham,Al.

Some of you are familiar with Artur Davis because he was the ONLY member of the Congressional Black Caucus to vote AGAINST the recent Healthcare Reform bill.Well let me give you some more insight as to who he is,why I think he voted NO and why I think he is a sell out.
Since 2003,Artur Davis has represented the 7th congressional district here in the state of Alabama. It is over 70% rural and over 60% black.It's a district where Barack Obama won 72% of the vote and according to Artur Davis profile on vote-al.org,is the THIRD poorest congressional distict IN THE COUNTRY. Many of those people are unemployed and do not have insurance.The ones who ARE employed can't afford to purchase the insurance their company provides.
That's why it shocked people in this state when he decided to vote NO. Many believe it was done solely for political purposes.Mr.Davis is running for Governor here in Alabama.I guess he thought if he "stood up to President Obama",he could win some extra (white)votes while keeping the "black vote". Right now in the city of Birmingham,this man is running commercials on black radio stations about how he stood up to George W.Bush's tax cuts.
There is a poll that his people are pushing that says he will get 80% of the "black vote" in this state. But who are they polling? They're not polling anyone I know. It's almost like people think we ALL are uninformed. Like they can tell us anything and we'll just accept it as fact. Listen,Micheal Steele has a better chance of becoming president of the NAACP before Artur Davis can get Republicans in this state to vote for him.Over 30% of Republicans in Alabama think the President is a Muslim and not a citizen of the U.S. - OVER 30%!!!
I will not sit by and watch this man or any other politician take the "black vote" for granted.That's one reason why I blog so much about politics.So that you can half-way know how to hold a discussion with your kids when they bring these things up. Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone about their child's teacher telling her class that the healthcare bill wasn't good for them. This woman said when her child asked HER about it,she didn't know what she was talking about.Matter of fact she didn't even call it the healthcare bill. She referred to it as "that bill that people are mad about". It's people like THAT woman who makes the Artur Davis' of the world sell out their constituents.They figure we have no clue what's going on and all they got to do is say they voted against George W.Bush's tax cuts. Not realizing he's probably running the same commercial on the white stations saying how he voted against the President's Government takeover of healthcare.
THAT'S why I call him a sell out. Not that I think people should agree with the President all the time. But when it will benefit your constituents,you have an obligation to vote the right way.Even if it's wrong for you politically.BUT,until we began to educate ourselves,get involved and STAY involved.We will always have an Artur Davis playing politics with "the Black Vote"

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