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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Observation On Tiger Woods "Transgressions"

Really not sure where to start with this or if I should start at all. I think most reasonable people would agree that this is a personal issue for Tiger and his wife. However,when you're the most recognizable athlete in the world and the face of so many corporations,you must know your "transgressions" are going to be put on blast. I believe Tiger was a sheltered kid growing up who had NO social life or should I say no "game" at all. How else would you explain a married billionare leaving voicemails,sending text messages and naked photos of himself to his mistress? No,I have no sympathy for Mr.Woods.He made his bed,he has to lay in it(no pun intended).
But there are a few things I want to take aim at.


When news first broke of Mrs.Tiger going all "Waiting To Exhale" on Mr.Tiger. Sistas around the country were rejoicing as if Tiger announced he was about to start dating Black women. The "You GO Girls" and "That's What He Gets" were ringing all over the place.But what if it was Mrs. Tiger who had been caught cheating and Mr.Tiger was the one going Chris Brown on HER? I guarantee you,he would have been thrown under the jail quicker than you can say FORE after I hit a driver off the tee. If it's wrong......IT'S WRONG!!


You know what I'm talking about.I'm here to predict that within the next month or so Tiger will appear on Larry King Live with......(wait for it)......you guessed it......the REV.AL SHARPTON himself. I couldn't understand when MJ got in trouble for something most grown men would get locked up for. Black people came to his defense as if he had been donating money to HBCUs or he HADN'T altered his face to look like someone other than the Black man he was. Why do we ALWAYS have to "rally around the brotha" when "white folks are trying to bring him down"? That's the biggest bunch of mess I've ever seen. It doesn't matter WHO it is. All they have to do is get Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson and we're marching and protesting for their freedom. All in the name of "sticking together". I wonder if it has ever occured to some people that maybe-JUST MAYBE those people are guilty of the crime or in this case "transgressions"?


If I learned anything from Kobe's ordeal,I learned(well I already knew) but it was confirmed that it doesn't matter how many times you cheat,it doesn't matter who you cheat with,it doesn't matter how many times you get caught cheating. If you have THAT kind of money,you can get away with it and here's why.Men know that if his money is on point,women will flock to him. That's why you see so many men in the club flossing like they got it going on(but really don't). The reason is,they're trying to impress YOU.So if a man with a couple of hundred million dollars at his disposal says he wants to "see" you. I'm willing to bet you're going to want to "see" him too. It doesn't matter if he's married or not. It has been proven time and time again,that some women follow the money and limelight. I'm sure you'll say I'm wrong but if you ran into Tiger Woods and he says he's interested in,you would DEFINITELY be willing to listen. NBA player Sam Cassell is not the most attractive brother in the world(being polite) and HIS girl is drop dead gorgeous. I think that proves my point. If a brotha has the loot,women are willing to play the game. Just be willing to pay the price when it hits the fan.

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