Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Introducing Myron Rolle

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Myron Rolle. Myron isn't your average,everyday college star waiting to hear his name called by an NFL football team on Draft weekend.This young man is so much more than that.
People like Dr.Cornel West has said he is the future of Black America. President Obama has sent him several text messages just to see how his day is going.Former President Bill Clinton brags about him like he's his son.Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush says he's a role model to ALL young men.
Why all of the fuss about THIS young man?
Myron Rolle,is a Rhodes Scholar who happens to be a great athlete.
The 6-foot-2, 215-pound Rolle finished his undergraduate degree in pre-med in 2½ years, then took off from football in 2009 to study in Oxford. He entered the draft and waited to hear his name until the Titans called and used the 207th pick overall on him.
Myron says he wants to play in the NFL for 10 years then become a neurosurgeon. Yes,you read it correctly,he wants to be a BRAIN SURGEON. This kind of ambition drove some teams away from him. They feared his lack of committment to football and football ONLY could jeapordize his pro career. That may sound asinine to most people,but I can understand why some scouts and NFL GMs would make that statement. When you're used to dealing with men whose main focus is football,football,football,it's hard to understand when someone who is a Rhodes Scholar decides he wants to play football before becoming a Neurosurgeon.
The NFL is so competitive,it requires you to eat,sleep and breathe football. But after reading about this young man,there's absolutely nothing in his DNA that says he won't be successful.
Oh,and did I mention he's a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,Inc? Those of you that know me,know I had to make that known.
Kongratulations Nupe!
The world is a better place because you're in it.
Board Room Jam of The Week
This is Tarsha McMillian Hamilton,the beautiful wife of Anthony Hamilton.
This song has a deep message,hope you guys enjoy it.
This song has a deep message,hope you guys enjoy it.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Here We Go Again
After my post back in January about "Why Black Women Can't Find A Good Man" also known as "The New Pimp Game",I promised not to post anything about this subject again.I lost a couple of friends,facebook friends,women left my fan page,women stopped following this blog and many people were "appalled" by my stance on this subject.*like I care*
*side note*
Part of the problem is many women aren't used to men voicing their disagreements.I fault weak,fake men for that.Stop saying what you think women want to hear and say what you believe. Trust me,you will earn more respect that way.
*back to the post*
I promised not to touch this subject again. HOWEVER,after watching this piece on ABC,I couldn't resist.I thank Hill Harper and Steve Harvey(on Part2)for speaking for most men.I may not always agree with Steve and his relationship advice,but he does keep it 100.
Oh well,watch the videos and feel free to comment if you want. But let me give my two cents BRIEFLY!
Sherri Sheppard is "looney tune"!!!!!!!!
She thinks she's going to find a MAN who is cool with watching her take off her wig then help take her cornrows out? On a regular basis!? SERIOUSLY!? Not in MY DNA!! Maybe that way of thinking is why she's divorced now......Hmmmm......
And Jacque Reid,well I really don't have that much to say about Jacque except that Jacque has had several relationships over the past couple of years. At what point does she look in the mirror for the failures of those relationships?
Ladies there's nothing wrong with having standards,just remember,more and more men are setting their standards very high as well.But I promised I would be brief,so I digress.Would hate to have some of you stop following this blog because of what I might say. Anyway,watch and give me some feedback
Part 1
Part 2
This clip is a MUST SEE. Hill Harper calls Sherri out for passing on him back in the day!
*side note*
Part of the problem is many women aren't used to men voicing their disagreements.I fault weak,fake men for that.Stop saying what you think women want to hear and say what you believe. Trust me,you will earn more respect that way.
*back to the post*
I promised not to touch this subject again. HOWEVER,after watching this piece on ABC,I couldn't resist.I thank Hill Harper and Steve Harvey(on Part2)for speaking for most men.I may not always agree with Steve and his relationship advice,but he does keep it 100.
Oh well,watch the videos and feel free to comment if you want. But let me give my two cents BRIEFLY!
Sherri Sheppard is "looney tune"!!!!!!!!
She thinks she's going to find a MAN who is cool with watching her take off her wig then help take her cornrows out? On a regular basis!? SERIOUSLY!? Not in MY DNA!! Maybe that way of thinking is why she's divorced now......Hmmmm......
And Jacque Reid,well I really don't have that much to say about Jacque except that Jacque has had several relationships over the past couple of years. At what point does she look in the mirror for the failures of those relationships?
Ladies there's nothing wrong with having standards,just remember,more and more men are setting their standards very high as well.But I promised I would be brief,so I digress.Would hate to have some of you stop following this blog because of what I might say. Anyway,watch and give me some feedback
Part 1
Part 2
This clip is a MUST SEE. Hill Harper calls Sherri out for passing on him back in the day!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Are You A Snitch?

Many rappers,entertainers,athletes,and regular people have adopted this "stop snitching" thing but have really never had to deal with it in real life. It has turned into a badge of honor,to uphold this code of the streets,even for people who are not in the streets.
I was reading a story on Roland Martin's facebook page about this kid in Chicago who was shot in the chest. Once the determination was made that had wouldn't make it to the hospital,authorities asked did he know who shot him. The 17 year old Robert Tate said "I know,but I ain't telling you s*^t." Now instead of making sure the people who shot him are arrested,the kids in the community are "celebrating" the fact that this dude didn't snitch. When does this homeade genicide end? If this is going to be tolerated,why should the city waste taxpayers money by having police officers patrol these neighborhoods? It may sound harsh,but if I were the chief of police or Mayor,I would say,"if you don't start helping us solve these murders,we will cut back on the number of officers in your neighborhood." Many people have TRIED to do the right thing(SNITCH) and met a horrible fate.I know,it's dangerous being a snitch,but there are hotlines people can call to give information and not give their name. It's time to take back our communities.It's time to hold rappers,athlete's,entertainers and yes even PARENTS who promote this foolish lifestyle accountable. It's time to START SNITCHING!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Keep Your Hands Off Of Him

So now these people decide to bring their guns to Northern Virginia to protest "Big Government" and to protest against Barack Obama taking their guns away from them. Hmmm,I wonder how this would play out if the majority of those people were young black men between the age of 17-25 walking around with assault rifles?
You know,I've tried REALLY hard to keep this to myself. But since no one else will say it,I will. These people(tea partiers,Fox News,Conservative talk radio hosts,most southern Republicans) are HOPING someone gets angry enough that they decide to take a shot at the President.
There I said it!
Many of you have thought the same thing but it's time to put it on the table. This is the 15th anniversary of Timothy McVeigh declaring war on the Federal Government and these people are not fooling me with their subliminal messages.
From Sarah Palin LYING and PURPOSEDLY misquoting the President to make him seem "un-American",to Tom Tencredo of Colorado saying "Obama should go back to Kenya". I have just about had it with the blatant disrespect and openly yet coded racist language these people use. When President Bush was in office,anyone who said ANYTHING about him was deemed "un-American". The Dixie Chicks had their career ruined by the GOP because they made a "disrespectful"comment about the POTUS. Now those same people are obsessed with seeing who can say the worst,most vile,disrespectful thing about Barack Obama. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. But here are some questions I have for them.
Are you REALLY prepared to deal with the aftermath of the event you want to take place?
Are you SURE you can control what will happen?
Are the racists emails and comments about this man being a pimp,a thug,a muslim,and a nazi REALLY worth it?
Are the photoshopped pictures of his wife as a monkey REALLY that funny?
Are you REALLY ok putting Psalm 109:8-9 on bumper stickers and t-shirts that say "Pray For Obama"?
Are you REALLY prepared to deal with something that will make 9/11 look like a picnic?
Just thought I would ask those questions.
I know many of you check out this blog,then report back to your friends to discuss it on your facebook page.
YES,my white friends tell me!!
I know that some of you who befriend me only do so to see what my thoughts are.
Well, you just read my thoughts. And REAL TALK,I'm so far removed from the person I used to be. Because that person would REALLY tell you how it will go down and there wouldn't be nothing you can do about it.But instead,I will say a prayer for all of you because you are TRULY sick.
But I WILL share THIS clip with you.
PLEASE disregard the foolishness and fast forward to the 4:00 mark of this video.
"Keep Your Hands Off Of Him"
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Chrisette Michele Shaves Her Head

Chrisette Michele
“I was tired of black sista’s feeling subject to having their hair pressed and straightened, and damaged, with relaxers, and heat. So I wanted to make short and nappy hair fashionable, and let the industry know that there is nothing wrong with the texture that we have been born with. So I plan to grow it out to the big beautiful nappy hair that I have.”
As if I needed another reason to love this woman.
I think it's so incredibly attractive that a woman in her position(or ANY position) has the courage to shave her hair,OFF! Sure,this picture shows her rocking the Amber Rose cut,but I saw a picture where she was BALD-bald. A move like this exudes confidence and confidence is part of an overall ambiance a woman gives off that makes her attractive. Chrisette is in an industry that nowadays bases the success or failure of an artist off of their PHYSICAL appearance. It helps that she can sing,because if she couldn't,this could possibly be career suicide.I bet you won't see Ciara shaving HER head anytime soon.
I wonder how many of you would do this without worrying what people would think? I dare to say,not many!!
But hold up ladies!!!
Before you get any crazy ideas about heading to your local barber,please make sure that this look would look good on YOU! Everybody can't rock the Amber Rose.......correction.......CHRISETTE MICHELE look. But I will say,most men,REAL men value a woman who can make this move over a woman who rocks weave flowing down her back. Not knocking you all who wear the weave flowing down your back.I know some of you do it because it helps your hair grow faster(or so I heard). But,I'm just saying,sometimes it helps when a woman is "NOT HER HAIR". Just do what makes YOU feel good. I've said this before and I'll say it again. There's nothing like a woman who enters a room knowing she's the most beautiful woman in the room. She doesn't have to tell anyone and no one has to tell her. She just FEELS she is(even if she isn't). And to ME,that's a good look.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
THIS Is Why I Blog
To make sure people don't fall into this trap.This is Sean Hannity pimping out T-Pain.This dude has NO idea he is being played for a fool.I'm sure the zoombies who watch FOX News 24/7 LOVE themselves some T-Pain......S-M-DOGGONE-H!!!
The New Jim Crow

Thinking about buying this book by Michelle Alexander but haven't made up my mind yet.
Here are a couple of exerpts from "The New Jim Crow"
"As the United States celebrates the nation’s “triumph over race” with the election of Barack Obama, the majority of young black men in major American cities are locked behind bars or have been labeled felons for life. Although Jim Crow laws have been wiped off the books, an astounding percentage of the African American community remains trapped in a subordinate status—much like their grandparents before them."
"Jarvious Cotton’s great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Klu Klux Klan for attempting to vote. His grandfather was prevented from voting by Klan intimidation; his father was barred by poll taxes and literacy tests. Today, Cotton cannot vote because he, like many black men in the United States, has been labeled a felon and is currently on parole.
Here's my issue
Although I don't think the justice system is perfect. I'm not willing to go so far as to say this is the "New Jim Crow". During the Jim Crow era,people were discriminated against,not allowed to vote because of their skin color. Can we honestly say these felons are being discriminated against because of their skin color? I know it's a touchy subject and people like to point to the numerous prisons being built all over the country as proof of a mass conspiracy. But are those prisons being built to PURPOSEDLY stop black men from being productive citizens? Are they being built to PURPOSEDLY make sure black men aren't allowed to vote? Or are they being built because the prison system is overcrowded with people(the majority who happen to be black)who made the choice to commit a crime? I know,I know,not all men in prison are guilty. Look,I know and understand that. But sometimes,we as a people act like there is this HUGE conspiracy to make sure ALL black men end up in jail. Are there racist judges and jurors,YES! Are there crimes that require defendants to spend more time in jail than they should spend? YES! But why do many "leaders",activists and politicians focus on THAT angle instead of the actual crime the person commits? I'm sure she may make a valid point. I'm sure this book will be an interesting read,but the title sends the wrong implication. Just my opinion.What do you think?

Congratulations Katie Washington of Gary,Indiana for becoming the FIRST Black Valedictorian at the University of Notre Dame.Katie has a 4.0 GPA and is majoring in Biology and minoring in Catholic social teaching.I know some of my white friends and readers of this blog(not you Sheila-lol)are asking,why is this a big deal? Glad you asked,here's why it's a big deal and I hope no one gets offended. But the mainstream media and right-wing whackos(FOX News)are quick to show you stories about the murders in New Jersey,or recent shootings in New Orleans.But you don't see many success stories about young African-Americans. Don't get me wrong,those stories SHOULD be covered,but so should stories like THIS one. So as Chairman and CEO of the Board Room,I am committed to doing what the mainstream media and right wing whackos(FOX News)won't do. I will celebrate young African-Americans when they have success,ESPECIALLY,when it comes to education.For years many of our kids have had to deal with being labeled a product of Affirmative Action. Whenever someone has success in higher learning,or graduates at the top of their class in Law School or becomes POTUS. Many of their detractors,like to say the only reason they made it that far is because of Affirmative Action. With Katie Washington being named Valedictorian at Notre Dame,her academic credentials can be put under scrutiny for ALL to see,that it's NOT Affirmative Action.But she actually IS the smartest person in the room.
Again,Congrats Katie Washington!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Video of The Week
Decided to switch up the flow for video of the week.
Let me ask you something.
Do you know who you are?
Do you know what you were placed on this earth to do?
What drives you to do what you're currently doing?
Let me ask it another way.
Before you answer any of those questions. I want you to check out one of my favorite Spoken Word artist.This is my boy Beny Blaq,LISTEN to his story.
Let me ask you something.
Do you know who you are?
Do you know what you were placed on this earth to do?
What drives you to do what you're currently doing?
Let me ask it another way.
Before you answer any of those questions. I want you to check out one of my favorite Spoken Word artist.This is my boy Beny Blaq,LISTEN to his story.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Have We Lost A Generation? Part II

This is one of the stories I started not to touch on earlier this week.But after doing more research on this couple,I just HAD to share this with you.
This is Nia Haqq 25 and Michael Muchioki 27.They appeared to be the next couple destined to achieve their piece of the American Dream.
They were college sweethearts.
They both were Greek.
Michael,a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
Nia,a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
Last week in New Jersey after leaving their engagement party with family and friends,they were murdered. This hit home for me because after reading more about their story,this could have been ME 12 years ago.
This could have been YOU.
This could have been YOUR fraternity brother or YOUR sorority sister.
They had their entire lives ahead of them and it was taken because someone wanted their Honda CRV. I'm pretty sure the couple would have given them the CRV. I'm pretty sure they would have given them the gift cards,the cell phones,the wallet,the purse. I'm pretty sure they would have even given them the engagement ring.All they had to do was take it and leave them alone.
But Noooooo.........THESE TWO PEOPLE

YES,THESE TWO......didn't do that.
They simply walked up to them and put two shots into Michael's head and two shots into Nia's head.
I admit,I'm not doing as much as I can to find out.I talk to a few of my son's friends who don't have a father(or male figure)in their life but that's about it. For the most part they are great kids.They just need someone to teach them about what's right,what's wrong and what's expected of them as a young man. Because as much as it pains me to say this,Lil Wayne,Gucci Mane and Souljah Boy are many of these kids examples. They see them and think it's cool to wear their pants sagging,it's cool to have tats all over their body(not knocking tats),it's cool to go to jail.So,if a man doesn't tell them that's NOT cool,some of these kids will never know there's an alternative. There ARE many organizations doing things to reach these young men and they should be commended for it. But how did we get to a point where women(GIRLS) are bold enough to put a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger? When will we stop embracing songs like "I Hit That Bit*h With A Bottle"? (if you've never heard it go to youtube).And PLEASE spare me "it's only art and entertainment". Listen,if that's how you feel and you're not doing anything to reach these young women to let them know the difference between "entertainment" and reality,please remove yourself as a follower of this blog and member of the fanpage. Because you are indirectly co-signing on the foolishness.
Some of you know me personally,some are just meeting me through this blog. But whether you know me or not. I BEG you to help me in reaching out to some of these young kids. doesn't matter. We are living in a world where people need to start speaking up and fighting with FORCE the destructive ways of satan. He IS at work but he won't win.....he CAN'T win. I had plans of launching some kind of mentoring program later this year. But I think I need to reconsider and do something NOW. Not sure yet,but I will be in prayer about it. Meanwhile, I encourage you to get involved with a church, an organization or SOMETHING to help save this generation and the next generation.Our lives literally depend on it.
If you need motivation,just watch this video.After you stop crying,make a decision to do something.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Black Reality Shows on VH-1

VH-1 has decided to go in a different direction when it comes to black women and reality shows. Although this is a GREAT move,many(including myself) are predicting their ratings will suffer because of the change.Society(ESPECIALLY OUR PEOPLE)enjoy watching the foolishness instead. Don't believe me? Look at the ratings for "I Love New York","For The Love of Ray J" and THIS mess.

Shaunie O'Neal(Shaq's ex wife),Chilli(from TLC)and Holly Robinson-Peete,who will bring much needed attention to Autism, will be part of the new line up. Shows like Fantasia and "Let's Talk About Pep" will be back for another season.I'm still not sold on "Let's Talk About Pep". I think the concept is ok,but is it me or does it seem like Pep looks desperate when it comes to dating? Honestly,I would love to watch the transformation of Salt instead of watching Pepa(that's another blog for another day).
And why does the other lady always end up sleeping with some dude?
And,why does Jacque Reid INSIST on getting married in the first 6 months of a relationship? Can you answer that for me Jacque?
(I invited her to view my blog and she said she would).Hopefully she reads this and will respond.
Regardless of the new line up. Regardless if I agree or disagree with "Let's Talk About Pep". It's just good to see beautiful,successful sisters on the screen doing their thing. Thank you VH-1,Centric and TV One for trying to provide us with quality Black Entertainment on Television.
SUNDAY APRIL 11th @ 8:30 PM
Thanks Dea,for the heads up!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tiki Barber Leaves His PREGNANT Wife

TIKI,TIKI,TIKI !!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT are you DOING bro?
There is no excuse for a man to leave his wife while she's pregnant.There are so many things that could happen as a result. The wife could become so upset and distraught that it jeopardizes the health of the unborn child. Not to mention you come off looking like a.......well nevermind,I'll let you say it.
But how does a man do this?
What kind of mentality do you have to have to pull this off?
If things are THAT bad,at least have the decency to wait until the child is born.
Also,what kind of woman excepts a man who left his wife of 11 years while she's EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT?
*raising my hand*
Ewww....Ewww.....Ewwww...........I KNOW!
A 23 year old intern who see dollar signs.

Surely the "loving" isn't THAT good. I used to be scared of THAT kind of "loving" (long story).
And if it IS that good,what do you think is going to happen when your ex wife takes ALL of your money and the intern goes in on a YOUNGER married man who has MORE money?
THANK GOD,I'm out of The Game because the rules are absolutely crazy!!!!
Ladies spare me the interracial angle.
Also,spare me "A black woman would not have done this to another pregnant black woman"
That's A LIE!!!!!
I can PERSONALLY tell you some stories that would make your head spin. So PLEASE stay on topic.
*now watch everyone get off topic* lol
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Happy Confederate History Month

(if you live in Virgina)
You know,now that I think about it.I'll bite my tongue on this one.I just got home from bible study and my Pastor is teaching a series on DISCIPLINE. So I'm going to show some "DISCIPLINE" and NOT post what I was about to post. But I find it quite disturbing that these southern Republicans are starting to act like it's the 1950s and 1960s.
Again,I digress on my original thoughts about this and will just let the lingering thought of the title of this blog,ring in your mind.
But don't forget,this is the month Dr.King was assassinated.
Don't forget,this is the month most right wing militia groups think the end of the world will take place.
Don't forget,this is the month of Hitler's birthday.
Don't forget,this is the month terrorist Timothy McVeigh blew up that Federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
My bad,I said I would digress,didn't I?
Thanks Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia for declaring THIS month(or any other month),Confederate History month.
Thank you SOOOOOO much
*written as I give the evil eye*
Can Someone PLEASE Talk To Tiger

Ok,I know I promised a couple of months ago that I would stay clear of this Tiger Woods thing. But can someone PLEASE talk to Tiger. Let him know,scrolling through his public......smiling....while his wife isn't around.....after he has sent all KINDS of explicit messages to every cheap,broke down,cocktail waitress/stripper in the NOT a good look.It doesn't matter if it was the POTUS on the other line. Doing this in public looks suspect. I know it's probably something innocent,but after seeing the way this dude handles his business(or lack their of).I wouldn't be surprised if some hooker/waitress/stripper/porn star/random blonde claims Tiger was sending her text messages from Augusta in a couple of months.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Have We Lost A Generation?

I know there are plenty of young people doing great things. We can site the charter school in Chicago that will be sending 100% of their young men to college. There are many other examples we can site.
But can we be real for a minute?
Have we lost an entire generation of young black men?
Can you HONESTLY say that we haven't?
The above photo was taken in Times Square in NYC. Every year during the New York International Auto Show,teens get together and start "wilding"......that's the term they use.During the event this past weekend,at least 4 people were shot and 33 were arrested.
Last week in Washington D.C. 9 people were shot in a drive-by. The suspect is a 14 year old juvenile with 9(NINE) convictions. There were other reports I was going to post but I think you get the point.
But have we lost a generation?
Many young men,would rather paint,put rims and a sound system in an old car instead of saving that money,buying a new car or getting that OLD car fixed.

They would rather LOOK good instead of doing the smart thing. Many would rather show "they ain't no punk" instead of walking away from an altercation. And nowadays the young girls are just as out of control as the boys. In the classrooms teachers are being threatened by students. When the parent is called to the school,they're just as out of control as the child.In some cases,the PARENTS are scared of their children.
What do we do?
Have we lost a generation?
Michael Steele Plays The Race Card

Isn't this the same man who didn't see ANYTHING racial about the tea party crowds? The same man who doesn't think there is ANY racial angle to FOX News coverage of the POTUS?
The same man who doesn't think Rush Limbaugh has a racist bone in his body?
Yeah,I thought so!!!
Now this same man says that he (like President Obama) is judged with more scrutiny because of his race. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I really wish I could agree with Mr.Steele on this(considering I don't agree with him on hardly ANYTHING) But I'm sorry Mr.Steele,don't try to play the race card NOW. Race had nothing to do with your office getting busted for using $2,000 of GOP donations to take young Republicans to a bondage themed party at a strip club in L.A.
See,this is why I don't care for the Michael Steele types. Not because he's a black Conservative(although that's a big part of it) but because his type sees color only when it benefits THEM. He has been extremely silent about the racist antics of the tea party but all of a sudden his race is a factor. After years of hearing Steele and other Black Conservatives preach about "personal responsibilty" and black folks need to stop "being professional victims".The last thing I expected to see was Steele play the race card. But,I guess he figured it worked for O.J.,Michael Jackson(RIP)and pretty soon Tiger Woods,it might work for him when the GOP decides to let him go.
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