Discussing social, political and religious issues that affect our community, and our country. The Board Room is more than a blog, it's a movement!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What The Hell Is Going On In Chicago?

Just another day in the Windy City. Clear blue skies, Cubs fans still dreaming about a World Series at Wrigley Field,sports talk radio going crazy over the possibilty of D.Wade or LeBron signing with the Bulls and ANOTHER SENSELESS MURDER!!!
These two kids were found on train tracks naked and with multiple shots to the back of the head.
When will it end?
Why are so many kids from this proud city acting as if they are in a war zone?
I recently heard a radio talk show host say,"Kids who get in trouble aren't bad kids,they just need to be mentored." I strongly disagree!!! Kids who want to be mentored,skip school once in a while or talk back to their parents. But THESE animals don't need mentors,they need Jesus.......and they can find him while being locked in a hole 23 hours a day in the roughest,toughest prison in the country. I have no sympathy for these animals who are destroying their own communities. They're making it unsafe for kids who are doing things the right way.
A few months ago,there was mention of the National Guard being put on the streets of Chicago. But,as expected,the usual suspects stepped in to voice their dismay. Of course,those usual suspects had no concrete alternatives to curb the violence.Just the same ol same ol "we got to do better in our community" speech they always give. I got an idea that may upset some people but,OH WELL!
How about this?
Start allowing the police to pull over kids(yes,BLACK KIDS)who they may suspect are gang memebers or may be involved in illegal activity. Do random searches on kids who are riding 3-4 deep with the music blasting. YES,I AM SUGGESTING THE POLICE START RACIAL PROFILING!!!!!! Why not.......nothing else is working!!!
FYI: There were 40 people shot over the weekend in Chicago!
Something has got to give!

1 comment:

  1. You're right, something has to give. I read recently that during the summer violent crimes increase. I wonder why that is. Is it because the kids are not in school? The old adage "an idol mind is the devil's workshop" comes to mind. The kids need a sense of purpose and a sense of direction. They need strong disciplinarians on all fronts - home, school, and even the street just like you said with the police. It is such a sad day to see that crime in the African American community is on the rise again... especially given the fact that we have an African American president. That should have inspired hope and sparked dreams, but it didn't.

    Another great post, Mod!
